Reiki is non-invasive energy healing. During an In-Person Reiki session, hands are placed over, near or on top of the body with very light static pressure. Typical results can include deep relaxation, freedom from stress and anxiety, physical pain relief, a feeling of lightness, mental clarity or grounding, peacefulness, greater love and hopefulness.


In-person Sessions Are Offered at These Locations:


36 South Last Chance Gulch, Suite 10, Helena, MT 59601




1416 E. 29th Avenue, Denver, 80205   AND

People House, 3035 W 25th Ave, Denver, CO 80211

2024 Denver Schedule:

January 17-21, March 6-10, June 7-13, September 18-22


Within 24 hours of scheduling your initial Reiki session, Michel will contact you for a phone consultation where she’ll share what to expect during your session as well as address any questions you may have.


At your initial session, Michel will introduce you to the Reiki Room, show you what she will be using during your session which may include the use of sound healing, crystals as well as essential oils and smudging (use of incense) barring any sensitivities you may have.


60 minutes $91

90 minutes $121

“I’m fairly new to Reiki, so when I went to Michel for a Reiki session I realized how powerful the experience can be. I was suffering with a lot of mental stress due to my business obligations. Michel helped clear the busy energy and restore peace in my mind so I was able to focus clearly on my day-to-day priorities. After my initial session with Michel, I’ve scheduled regular sessions to help keep me balanced and on-track with my intentions.” Dean B., Colorado

  • Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along

  • Whether we are physically together in the same room, or thousands of miles apart, together we can share Reiki. Reiki sessions are available in-person

Contact Michel
Founder of Peace Bridge Reiki