In the comfort of your home, or from wherever you are, the same results as in-person sessions can be experienced with distance Reiki.


Typical results can include deep relaxation, freedom from stress and anxiety, physical pain relief, a feeling of lightness, mental clarity or grounding, peacefulness, greater love and hopefulness.


You can be going about your day, or you can lay or sit quietly and comfortably, depending on how aware and engaged you’d like to be – and can be – during the distance Reiki session. As example, some clients wish to receive Reiki during surgery, while they are recovering from surgery or during a medical treatment to support their healing goals.


Your phone consultation will thoroughly explain how Reiki can support your goals and intentions. During the consultation Michel will share the flow of the session, answering any questions you may have about distance Reiki or the session itself.


Preparing for your Reiki session is easy, and Michel will call you within 24 hours of your making your initial appointment for a phone consultation. However if you prefer to speak with Michel before scheduling, she welcomes the opportunity to connect with you by phone or video call.


What to Expect During Your Distance Reiki Session


Following the Reiki portion of your session, a fifteen minute phone or video call is conducted to share impressions which you are welcome to record.


60 minutes $86

90 minutes $116

“A remote Reiki session with Michel meant to address feeling stuck and experiencing resistance led to the healing of two chronic health issues that have been with me for so long that I had long given up seeking relief. The day after the session I was stunned to realize my lower back pain and inflamed ears were healing. Initially, I thought perhaps the healing was temporary but weeks later I’m still waking up pain free and my ears are no longer itchy and inflamed. Michel is a blessing!” Schuyler R., Oregon

  • Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along

  • Whether we are physically together in the same room, or thousands of miles apart, together we can share Reiki. Reiki sessions are available in-person

Contact Michel
Founder of Peace Bridge Reiki