There are many different styles and approaches to Reiki, as well as different types of documented research on the topic. I have found these resources to be helpful in providing a range of information.

Center for Reiki Research Including Reiki in Hospitals

UK Reiki Federation

Reiki in Clinical Practice by Ann Baldwin

Reiki Rays Research Studies Resource Page

Reiki Rays Reiki Practitioners Membership Directories Resource Page

Articles from the International Center for Reiki Training

International House of Reiki

The Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing, University of Minnesota

The Reiki Association

Medical Research Papers Compiled by Pamela Miles


Many of us – myself included – are interested in reading documented research about Reiki from a conventional medical perspective. is one place to go to find published Journals on Reiki research.


When you visit, use “Reiki” as your ‘Keyword’ or search term. You can sort the list to only look at those Journals published in a certain year, which is helpful if you’d only like to see the most recent medical research. While you can view all of the Journal article details, you won’t be able to read the full article without purchasing it. Alternatively, consider taking the Journal article details to your local University library where they may have the Journal there for you to read at no charge. I suggest calling the library first to make sure they have the Journal before you make the trip. If they don’t have it, they should be able to recommend to you another way to get it.


If you have a suggestion to add to the list above, I’d love to learn about it! Please contact

  • Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along

  • Whether we are physically together in the same room, or thousands of miles apart, together we can share Reiki. Reiki sessions are available in-person

Contact Michel
Founder of Peace Bridge Reiki