Reiki is an effective way to reduce stress and stress-related symptoms. Overactive mind, chronic pain, anxiety, poor sleep and migraines are some common stress effects for employees which can be addressed with Reiki. Reiki is a way for employees to receive wellness support in the comfort and safety of their home or wherever they are located globally. Consider Reiki as part of your employee wellness programs. Reiki is effective for employees of all industries and workplaces.


Reiki session results can include stress reduction, relaxation, mental clarity, relief from mental fatigue, feeling energized without the spike or decline from caffeine, anxiety release, and greater peace and calm. Results like these can contribute to a more productive, collaborative and inclusive work environment.


Distance Reiki sessions are available for employees worldwide and are 60 or 90 minutes in length. Read my distance Reiki article to learn more. Employers purchase a gift card for each individual employee.


Upon purchasing a gift card, your employee will receive an email apprising them of their gifted Reiki session.


” I have been with a Fortune 500 company for 19+ years, in a leadership (Director) role for 5 years, leading teams of 20+ recruiters. I always loved meditation and yoga for stress relief, especially as I rose in the leadership ranks. I was drawn to Reiki due to some cystic acne that started as my job became more and more stressful. I quickly realized how helpful the sessions were for my health and for navigating workplace stress. COVID-19 made it more possible to share Reiki with my team as corporate America embraced working from home and taking time for self care. At first, I felt inspired to send a Reiki gift card to a team member, I just knew she could use 60 minutes with Michel. Since then, I have sent a gift card a month this year and the impact has been so wonderful to see: not only do they feel the pure love of Reiki, my team also feels my care for them in sharing something we are all connected to. Bringing my team to experience Reiki was the best gift I could ever give anyone and I will continue to do so!” ~ S. Herrera

  • Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along

  • Whether we are physically together in the same room, or thousands of miles apart, together we can share Reiki. Reiki sessions are available in-person

Contact Michel
Founder of Peace Bridge Reiki