a shining light ~ simone’s reiki journey

My journey in Reiki as a Master Teacher grants me the privilege and gift of listening to the inner wisdom and insights of my clients/students/friends/family who come for Reiki. This experience is a SHINE of light which I cherish because I learn much from their personal reflections and experiences with Reiki. I’ve begun asking permission to share some of this SHINE publicly.

This first SHINE is with Simone Herrera (@takemehomecountyroad), a deeply Inspirational, Fun and Spiritual Being, Mother and Wife who has worked in corporations for over 20 years as a Recruiting Executive. She relocated with her family from suburban Denver, to the mountainous expanse of Southern Colorado to live on a solar powered ranch, surrounded only by nature.

Simone, what made you reach out to schedule your first Reiki session?

Funny enough, it was cystic acne that made me think about exploring Reiki. I had been seeing an esthetician and she shared I might want to see a dermatologist after my skin started getting bumps. I started to look for a dermatologist online, but kept coming across Reiki practices and meditations. I just felt like I should explore these first. I had always liked acupuncture and chiropractic and massage therapies. There was something about Reiki I felt like I needed to explore. I came across Michel and reached out to just get a feel for how this might be. She and I connected after lots of me being “busy” and almost pushing off. Once we connected it was like we had known each other for years. She had a great way of explaining Reiki and how it worked. We scheduled an appointment and after this, I decided that I would try for at least a year to see what benefits it had.

How did you feel after your first session? 

I always remember the weightlessness I felt on the table and the care and love I felt. Michel being the conduit to this lifeforce energy was such a wonderful feeling as I knew she had the highest intentions as we shared Reiki. The warmness from her hands and even when virtually visiting you can still feel the care that surrounds each session. After the first session, it was the relief I felt that gave me the push to continue and start a year membership with Michel, 60 minute sessions once a month. I knew something was happening and when she shared what she was experiencing, I knew there was something bigger at work here. I would leave sessions feeling like I was floating and just being “happy for no reason” I remember saying to Michel as I would laugh with a light heartedness getting off the Reiki table. I knew that all that mattered was how I felt and I just felt this lightness return to my being that I had not felt in a very long time – maybe not since I was a child.

What impact or results do you attribute to Reiki?

I remember feeling like a light had come back from within. I started being more open to healing what needed to be healed.  I moved from feeling like a victim to feeling like I could do something about the past hurt that was coming up. This occurred as I started to release what was not serving me through this energy healing. With this switch I asked for Michel to attune me to Reiki Level I. This was about 3-4 months into the start of my year monthly membership with Michel. I felt this need to give myself Reiki and keep seeing Michel through my year long committed journey. About 4 months later I felt ready for Reiki Level 2 training and attunement. I continued to see Michel for the rest of the year, moving from in-person to virtual Reiki sessions as Covid hit, and at the end of the year long membership I completed the Master/Teacher training and received by attunement virtually. I have been practicing Reiki on myself daily since I was attuned in 2019 (Oct/Nov) and saw Michel for a year every month.

Can you share more about why you wanted to learn Reiki?

The desire to learn Reiki was out of the desire for self-healing. I saw this opportunity through Reiki to help myself heal. Through being attuned, I believe, I became ready and open to therapy and acupuncture as additional self-healing tools and started both shortly after I was attuned. I have learned Reiki is not the only tool you need. There are many tools we can use to work through the baggage we are carrying and develop a deeper compassion for ourselves, which in turn, creates more compassion for those around us. This is why I have shared Reiki with those around me through gift cards for Reiki sessions with Michel. It’s like a gift, allowing someone to feel and I think that is the most amazing thing you can give another being.

How would you describe what being on a ‘Reiki Journey’ is all about? 

I see Reiki as something that allows – allows whatever needs to be released to be released and allows our true nature to thrive and explore. As anyone explores Reiki, you will find where it best serves you. While I have been attuned and can “set up shop” I chose not to, my choice is to share Reiki with myself, husband and daughter. This is where I have felt my practice should be at this moment. When others are called to ask more about Reiki I can share my experience and refer to Michel.

What are your thoughts on remote versus in-person sessions, and attunements as well?

I personally really like remote sessions – I felt like I was more tuned in. However, I do miss seeing Michel in person! For the attunements, I did not have a preference either way. Being attuned both in person and virtually, I felt the same “connection” with both – and recalling the energy, I feel it was not any different.

Is there anything more you’d like to share about Reiki to someone who may have not experienced it before?

Reiki is like a massage for the soul and spirit – it loosens the energy where you need it to be loosened so you can have a different perspective.

If any followers would like to contact you directly, how can they reach you?

take me home, county road (FB) or @takemehomecountyroad (IG)

Thank you Simone!

Reiki Blessings,


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