Reiki Clients

A Shining Light ~ Monica’s Reiki Journey

My journey in Reiki as a Master Teacher grants me the privilege and gift of listening to the inner wisdom and insights of my clients/students/friends/family who come for Reiki. This SHINE of love and light I cherish because I learn so much from their personal reflections and experiences with Reiki. I’ve begun asking permission to share some of this SHINE publicly. 

 Monica is a Loving, Passionate and Fun Spiritual Being, Mother and Sister. An avid reader and learner, Monica is deeply dedicated to her spiritual journey of healing and growth. A Denver native, she along with her siblings ran a successful family business well-known in the community for many decades. Last year they decided together to close their doors to pursue other ventures.

Can you remember what originally prompted you to explore more about Reiki? 

My dear friend Christine met Michel through LifeSpark Cancer Resources (a non-profit in Denver providing free Reiki for individuals with cancer). One day we were at dinner and Christine couldn’t contain her joy, and I wondered what she was so happy about. I asked her, and she said she had decided to move to Taos, New Mexico. She shared that Taos was a place where she had always longed to live, but didn’t have the courage to make the move to until now. After her arduous battle with cancer, I was very intrigued by the fearlessness she had. I asked her what and why did she decide to make such a big move and she said Reiki changed her life and had given her the inspiration to make the move. I had heard the term ‘Reiki’ once or twice before this, but I didn’t really know what it was. However, Christine’s experience made me believe I absolutely needed to have it in my life, and I called Michel the very next day!

Can you remember what your first session or sessions were like and describe what you felt? 

I remember my initial phone consultation with Michel. She was so refreshing to talk to, very gentle in her delivery, and she recommended I keep an open mind and heart. Not in just my first session, but in almost all of my Reiki sessions I experience extraordinary sensations, mind blowing revelations, and joyful transformations. Whether remotely or in-person, I have felt extreme temperature shifts all throughout my body, as Reiki and Michel work the wonders.  My very first time I went from feeling an icy coolness around my head to a lovely warm comforting temperature that traveled from my neck to toes. After many in-depth talks and discussions with Michel, and me trying to compartmentalize what Reiki is,  I decided I did not need to have an explanation – at least not yet. All I knew was I loved it! It felt amazing, healing and comforting. Almost always I have a restful, yet lucid dream during Reiki. Likely astral traveling, remembering past lives, and hopefully engaging in the Quantum field – all of which I’d love to master in this life!  I release tension, anxiety, worries and toxins during Reiki, and come away replenished, high vibe, and more loving and understanding when I’ve completed a session. 

How would you describe what being on a ‘Reiki Journey’ is all about?

In a nutshell, I would say it is a bridge I’m on in order to commune with my Higher Self. ‘Higher Self’ according to Wikipedia says its basic premise describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being who is one’s real self.

What have you noticed with regular sessions through your Reiki Membership?

Twice a month Reiki sessions helped me uncover decades worth of information that was deep inside my subconscious – which by the way makes up the 90% of our brains we don’t use. I have also discarded unhelpful habits that once I thought were beneficial, and I have a greater foundation of understanding Energy – which is literally Everything! With Reiki as part of my journey, I feel wonderful and my life is thriving, not just surviving.

Would you share your experience of receiving Reiki remotely versus in-person? 

When Covid became a reality for all of us, so many things took a 360. I thought the same was going to happen when I learned Michel would only be offering remote Reiki. When this happened, I really considered putting my Reiki membership on hold, but I didn’t. I thought if Michel believes whole-heartedly in remote Reiki as she did in-person  – then I could too.  At that point I was still unsure of what, who or where Reiki was, is or could do, and  I was a solid year into receiving Reiki! As I started to experience Remote Reiki, I was floored at the results. In some instances it was as powerful as in-person Reiki and in some cases even more vivid. I really couldn’t fathom what was happening. Then slowly, but surely, the power of all that is – Energy, started to make more and more sense to me. There is a joke  – Never trust an atom, they make up everything 🙂  And this pretty much sums up Reiki, or Remote Reiki – it’s all the same. We are, and Everything is, a bunch of atoms, or Energy. Tangible or intangible, Everything is Energy. I like to think of humans as light bulbs on a dimmer switch.  We are capable of lighting the way with our bright beautiful Energy, or possibly life gets us down and we start to dim our Light to the point we can’t see the beauty all around us. Reiki can help us turn up the Light that already exists, but it has been dimmed for whatever reason. If we keep an open heart and mind, are able and willing to express our thoughts cohesively about what we want from life, then Reiki will absolutely partner with us to reveal what we already know.

Is there anything more you’d like to share about Reiki to someone who may have not experienced it before?

I’m pretty open to new experiences, so it was easy to decide Reiki was worth trying. Companioning with Michel and Reiki has worked for me. Has broadened my horizons. Has helped me shine my Light outward, but also inward. I hope you give it a Go!

If any followers would like to contact you directly, how can they reach you?

My email : 

Thank you Monica!

Reiki Blessings,


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