Reiki Level One & Level Two Repeater Class

Have you already taken Level One and Level Two classes and desire to refresh or refine what you have learned?  For a variety of reasons, you may wish to retake the trainings and receive the attunements again. You are welcome to bring your training materials from your previous classes and bring your questions.  You will be provided the same hardcopy resources and materials as I provide in my Level One and Two classes, and we’ll review the techniques, fundamentals or any areas that you feel need review. A certificate of completion will be provided at the end of class.


Class requirements are: Reiki Level One and Two attunement and copies of previous certificates of completion received.


Individual/One-on-One Class, 5 hours

Offered in-person in Helena or Denver, or online



  • Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along

  • Whether we are physically together in the same room, or thousands of miles apart, together we can share Reiki. Reiki sessions are available in-person

Contact Michel
Founder of Peace Bridge Reiki