07 Mar What Should You Do After Your Reiki Healing Session?
Particularly in the moments and hours following your Reiki session, you’ll be most conscious of lifeforce energy flowing through you. You have just invested in yourself to take out time to focus inward, to get quiet and notice an inner awareness. How you choose to spend your time after a Reiki session influences and can further the healing benefits from your session. Why not make the most of your experience even more?
Pause After Your Session
I suggest not rushing back into the world just yet after a Reiki treatment. Take time for a nap if you wish to rest further. Refrain from checking your messages, and keeping off your devices if it is reasonable for you to do so. While this is an article about what to do after a Reiki session, there are a few things I’d like to mention to do ahead of time. Firstly, think about scheduling your session when you have the option for downtime afterwards to savor your relaxed state post-session. Also, avoid alcohol and mood altering substances, I suggest at least 24 hours before and after your session. Avoid heavy caffeine the morning of your session, and 2-3 hours prior to your session.
Gentle Activity
If you haven’t had a light meal 2-3 hours prior to your session, you may notice you are hungry after your session. Conversely, having a full stomach and digesting during your session can feel distracting, so avoid this. Following your session, enjoy a nourishing snack or meal. Spend time walking outside or sitting on a park bench. Breath in the air, feel the sunshine on your face, place your hand on a tree’s trunk. Take in nature. Sit quietly outside. Feel the grass or earth under your feet. As you do so, reflect on your session experience: how is your experience or awareness of lifeforce energy on the Reiki table compared with being out and about in nature? As you interact in the world?
Hydrate and Honor the Body
Reiki promotes detoxification. While your practitioner will offer you water at the session, drink it and be sure to continue hydrating yourself. Enjoy herbal tea, rather than a stimulating tea to further the releasing process. Keep hydrating in the next 24 to 72 hours after your session to continue the release of toxins.
Salt baths are another way to further the release process after your Reiki session, and further your feelings of relaxation. Enjoy a bath 24 to 72 hours after your session. You can use either Epsom salts or sea salt to support the continued energetic clearing process. If a full bath isn’t practical, consider soaking your feet in salt.
Since you are most tuned into your experience in the first 24 – 72 hours following your experience, journaling can be useful to document what you notice. This could be in the way of emotions, memories, visuals, ideas coming to you. Everyone responds to Reiki differently. You might feel peacefully energized or ready for sleep. However you respond is natural for you. Your session experience and how you respond is uniquely your experience. Listen, and give yourself what you need. Reiki research shows that benefits from Reiki sessions can continue to build for up to 21 days after treatment. It is also not uncommon that specific results from your Reiki session might seem more subtle. For this reason I encourage you to reflect on how in general you are feeling in response to your initial intention(s) for your session. Do you notice any shifts? Journal, share with someone you trust. I invite my clients to reach out to me anytime to share impressions or insights, and to ask questions.
Possible Mild Symptoms
You may notice mild physical symptoms or emotions arising in the time following your session. You took time to allow a process to intentionally calm your nervous system which enables a release of toxins. This might also mean for you that you desired to let some things go, to feel ready to move forward. As a result,
it is not uncommon for this release to present in the way of mild cold symptoms or a headache, or to feel emotions such as grief or sadness. Know that these symptoms will dissipate, and usually in the hours following the session or after a night of sleep. If you have any concerns, contact your Reiki practitioner or your healthcare professional.
Coming for a Reiki session is an opportunity for self-care and self-discovery, that can begin in session and linger longer as you go forward in your days to come. Schedule your session today and, if you would like to learn more, request a call.
Reiki Blessings,