It’s time for another burst of SHINE! ‘SHINE’ is what I refer to as Inner Light, Wisdom and Insights from my Reiki clients/friends/students/family from their lived experiences with Reiki. They inspire me deeply and I began asking if I could share their SHINE publicly.

Shae (@_shaaeeee_) is a Soulful, Authentic & Passionately Creative Spiritual Being who is committed to personal growth and healing.  Shae is a Colorado native who moved to Denver to enjoy city living. Her creative talents include hair artistry @letemhaveitsalon. Shae is equally dedicated to her energy healing practices and attributes her reawakened ability to communicate with animals to Reiki.

What originally motivated you to experience Reiki?

I was seeking therapy originally and when I met with a therapist I wasn’t satisfied with the outcome, I wanted something more spiritual and meaningful to me. I had heard about Reiki and wasn’t too sure what it was or what it would mean to me. I came across Michel’s website and instantly felt a connection. Once I had my phone call with her I knew I needed to try Reiki, it felt very natural to me. 

How did you know that Reiki was providing the results you were seeking?

I knew Reiki was helping when I could finally forgive myself. My Reiki journey was all about self-forgiveness. I had carried a lot of burdens and regrets that I no longer wanted to serve me. Reiki helped me recognize those feelings and provided me with a lighter and loving relationship with myself. 

Are there any Reiki experiences that come to mind, whether in your receiving through a session or as a practitioner that captures the essence of Reiki healing for you?

Animals are the most significant Reiki experience to me. It probably wasn’t until my third month of receiving Reiki that I noticed I was having intense vivid visuals of all kinds of animals. It felt like they kind of came out of nowhere. I’ve always had a deep connection with animals though. I used to say as a little girl that I could talk to my cats. It was always something so innocent and meaningless before, I just thought I was being a kid. I started really diving deep into those visuals and kept it in the back of my mind of what they could represent to me. Once I got my Reiki level one certification and attunement I really focused on animal connection. Reiki brought me to several different sources about animal communication and everything started to piece together. I use Reiki to help my friends and family (so far) with understanding their pets’ needs. Reiki really confirmed that I had a gift for animal communication. 

Where are you now in your Reiki Journey and how do you see it evolving?

I’m a level one in my Reiki training.  I received Reiki sessions for a full year, first starting out once a month and quickly switched to twice a month. Very early on I knew I wanted to get my certifications once my sessions were over but wanted to experience the full year of receiving before committing to the Reiki training. That was the best decision for me, fully experiencing what receiving is like before being able to share Reiki. I see myself using my Reiki training to help others communicate with their pets in order for everyone to feel safe and heard. 

What do you think is the biggest misconception about Reiki?  

I think the biggest misconception about Reiki is the speculation that it doesn’t work. I think in our modern times it’s hard for people to believe in something that isn’t tangible. Reiki isn’t something that happens with a snap of the fingers, it’s different for everyone and can take longer to fully notice the effects. Some might notice change immediately in therapy whereas it takes a good few sessions of Reiki to fully feel it’s effect. It’s different from therapy with it’s slower progression. I find it to be more comfortable because Reiki is all about your own pace, whenever you’re ready Reiki is there to support. 

What advice do you have for someone who is feeling uncertain about how to know if a Reiki practitioner is a right fit for them?

Definitely set up a call with the practitioner! Get to know them by chatting over the phone, emailing, texting or whatever feels comfortable to you. Ask all the questions you need to in order to feel safe in the space. 

If any followers would like to contact you directly, how can they reach you?

Instagram is definitely the easiest way to contact me! My Instagram is definitely more of a personal/raw look into who I am as I try to be as upfront and honest as I possibly can. My Instagram is @_shaaeeee_ 

Thank you Shae!

Reiki Blessings,


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