Peace Bridge Reiki LLC ~ Code of Ethics


As a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, I commit and agree to abide by the following:


  • To provide a pure and clear intention to offer my services for the highest healing good of the clients, students, practitioners and for the world.


  • To be the best conduit and clear channel for Reiki as I can be. To actively and continually work on my own healing so as to embody and fully express the essence of Reiki in everything I do. To maintain a daily practice of self-Reiki. To be Reiki.


  • To offer Reiki only with the client’s permission at the session. If Reiki is to be offered before or after the session, this is asked for and provided only with the client’s permission.


  • To maintain a vow of confidentiality. Any information that is discussed during Reiki services provided is confidential between my client, student, practitioner and myself.


  • To provide a safe, comfortable environment for Reiki sessions. classes and events. Any communications written or verbal are inclusive, empowering and supportive.


  • To always treat clients, students and practitioners with the greatest respect. Never to engage in any illegal or immoral activity. Never to ask clients to disrobe. Never touching genital areas or breasts or any areas designated by the client which they have expressly stated as sensitive. To maintain special attention to sensitivities of the senses as indicated by the client, student or practitioner (use of incense, essential oils, sounds, etc.)


  • To provide an explanation of services; what to expect before, during and after a session; self-care suggestions following a session; what to expect in Reiki classes and what the student/practitioner will be able to do upon completion of the class; and to provide Reiki resources orally and in written form. To openly share all information about the services I provide including what the amount of time will be and the cost for each service provided.


  • To be available to clients, students and practitioners alike for ongoing dialogue after services have been provided. To respond to inquiries in a timely manner. To share in and foster fellowship and companionship with clients, students and practitioners.


  • To never diagnose medical or psychological conditions. To never interfere with treatment of a licensed healthcare provider. I acknowledge that Reiki works in conjunction with other forms of medical or psychological care. In the event of a diagnosed condition, in addition to Reiki treatments, clients should see a health practitioner if not already seeing one. Reiki is one part of an integrative healing or wellness program.


  • To encourage all clients, students and practitioners to use their own inner guidance in deciding from whom to receive Reiki treatments, Reiki training, and attunements from any lineage or organizational affiliation. To offer options, resources and information.


  • To respect and value all Reiki practitioners and masters regardless of lineage or organizational affiliation. To actively work towards harmony and friendly cooperation between all Reiki practitioners and masters. To engage in collaborative efforts, events and partnerships that further healing and educational opportunities.


  • To empower clients, students and practitioners to listen to their inner wisdom as they heal themselves. To be a companion alongside with them as they courageously walk their own powerful, uniquely personal journey.


  • To abstain from drugs and alcohol during the delivery of any Peace Bridge Reiki services and professional related activities.


  • To never use another person’s material or content – Reiki-related or otherwise – in any fashion without crediting the source. To encourage the same practice for students and practitioners who have attended any Peace Bridge Reiki classes.


  • To remain curious as a lifelong student dedicated to Reiki, expanding my Reiki practice, services and energy healing contributions to the world.

Michel Barta, M.Ed.
Reiki Master Teacher
Peace Bridge Reiki LLC
36 S. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 10
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 285-1895

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