Remote Reiki
At the start of every remote Reiki session, Michel will call you by phone, or you’ll begin the session together on a video call, whichever you prefer. This is an opportunity to share your intentions for the session and anything you’d like addressed or goals you may have. This portion of the session is about 10 minutes.
Before beginning the Reiki portion of the session, we’ll hang up the phone or video call. It is highly encouraged to turn your devices to ‘do not disturb’. If you need to set an alarm in case you may fall asleep, please do so.
After Reiki, you’ll reconnect again with Michel by phone or video call. This post-session time together is where we share impressions from the session. What did you notice? What came up for you? How do you feel? Sharing only what feels comfortable. Michel will also share her impressions from the session.
Click here to read about preparing for your Reiki session.
What should you expect following the session? Click here to find out.
In-Person Reiki
For in-person Reiki, fully clothed, you’ll be lying on a massage table face up. Blankets, a head pillow, eye pillow and a bolster for your knees are available for your comfort.
Michel will place her hands in non-intrusive areas either above your body or on your body. You may feel her moving my hands and walking around the table. Your client information form will indicate any sensitivities you may have, and at the session you can share any updates with me as well. At your initial Reiki session, Michel will show you around the Reiki room and share about the instruments used during the session.
Intentions and goals for the session will be shared prior to beginning the session.
During your session, you can keep your eyes open or use an eye pillow. When the session is finished, Michel will gently invite your attention back into the room.
Whether receiving Reiki in-person or remotely, you may notice sensations such as heat or cold, tingling, chills, or a heaviness in a particular area of the body. Sometimes there is no sensation at all but a deep feeling of relaxation and calm. Fleeting thoughts, ideas or memories may come and go during the session. You may drift in and out of sleep. Any, all or none of these reactions may occur in your session, and each session is unique.
Particularly in the moments and hours following your Reiki session, you’ll be most conscious of lifeforce energy flowing through you. You have just in
Reiki practitioners have endless support for maintaining well-being with a regular daily practice of self-Reiki. We can also use our self-Reiki to hel
Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along