There are different types of Reiki sessions. During an in-person session, hands are laid above or directly on the receiver’s body in non-intrusive areas with a gentle, static light pressure. The Reiki practitioner focuses her attention and intention, combined with applied techniques to transfer energy.

Level Two Reiki practitioners are trained to practice across time and space. This allows for Reiki sessions to be offered when the practitioner and receiver are in different physical locations.  These sessions are referred to as ‘Distance Reiki; or ‘Remote Reiki’ sessions. Remember that Reiki is based on the idea that everything living is made up and connected with universal lifeforce energy which is not confined to time or space.

Other ways Reiki is offered is in group settings, through yoga and other combined modalities. Whatever the expression, the typical intention is for the practitioner to share this universal lifeforce energy and support people in their journey for moving energy to support their goals.

The Reiki practitioner is a space holder for this experience, a channel to share this Reiki energy together.


To learn more about what occurs during a Reiki session click here.


While no specific claims can be made for any one individual’s outcomes, the natural healing system of Reiki treats the  body, mind and spirit which are all interconnected for our overall life experience and feeling of well-being.  It is important to note that Reiki does not treat any specific symptom or disease.


Recognized as an integrative therapy, Reiki sessions work well with other conventional medical treatments.


In the Reiki traditions in which Michel has been trained, the ability practice Reiki occurs after an attunement or an initiation  by a Reiki Master Teacher. There are typically three levels – or degrees – of Reiki, and practitioners may decide to obtain other trainings or incorporate other modalities as part of their Reiki practice. There is Level I (or First Degree), Level II (or Second Degree), and then Level 3 (or Third Degree), otherwise known as Master Level.


Anyone who has the desire, has the ability to receive, learn and practice Reiki.

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