Reiki is non-invasive energy healing. During an In-Person Reiki session, hands are placed over, near or on top of the body with very light static pressure. Typical results can include deep relaxation, freedom from stress and anxiety, physical pain relief, a feeling of lightness, mental clarity or grounding, peacefulness, greater love and hopefulness.

The moment you schedule your Reiki session, you’ll be greeted with a confirmation and helpful information about your session. To ensure your experience is uniquely tailored and comfortable, you’ll be sent a couple of forms to complete in advance of your session day. For your first session with Michel, she’ll personally reach out to you with a friendly hello and an invitation for an optional phone consultation to answer any questions you might have. It’s her way of ensuring you feel welcomed and supported right from the start.

In-person Sessions Are Offered at

36 South Last Chance Gulch, Suite 10, Helena, MT 59601

60 minutes $110

90 minutes $145

If coming for an in-person Reiki session isn’t convenient for you—whether it’s due to distance, weather, or just your preference for the comfort of your own home, consider a Distance Reiki session. It might be the perfect fit for you and provides the same benefits as an in-person session.

“I had been holding onto anger and resentment towards certain people both in my personal life and at work. With Reiki sessions, layers feel like they have peeled away to where I can recognize grief and sadness, and feel okay to express these emotions for the first time. While I was consciously aware that I needed to move through and let go of something – I felt stuck, unsure of what that was. Reiki sessions have helped me move through and see these people and situations with a new perspective. I feel lighter than I have in a long time, as well as more anchored and empowered. Unstuck. The cloud of darkness that I have been living within for the past three years has started to give way and allow the light to come through. I feel hope that I can be happy again, live a joyful life, and experience more peace. I see bigger and new opportunities now, that weren’t there before. I feel optimistic and ready for what is next for me.” H.O.

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