Begin Your Reiki Journey ~ “Reiki Heals the Healer First”
Gain a connection with Reiki for relaxation and healing through self-Reiki practice. In this class you’ll learn the foundations of Reiki which includes: Gassho meditation, the Reiki principles, how Reiki works from the lens of the energy system and chakras, the history of Reiki as it spread to the US to modern day. You will learn and practice how to offer Reiki to yourself and others. You will learn techniques and applications which are both traditional methods and Western influenced. A core aspect of this class is to have options to choose from to support you in exploring how you’ll like to take the practice forward in practical ways that suit your lifestyle. The class establishes the building blocks to begin a personal self-Reiki practice, your Reiki Journey. During class you will receive your first self-Reiki session following your Level One attunement. Certificates provided upon completion of class.
Attending this training requires at least one 60 minute Reiki session from any practitioner prior to attending the class, as well as making a commitment to 21 days of self-Reiki (30 minutes per day). You’ll have your first self-Reiki session in class.
Reiki Level One Training Class is $222
Read this informative and insightful blog post for more about this class:
Particularly in the moments and hours following your Reiki session, you’ll be most conscious of lifeforce energy flowing through you. You have just in
Reiki practitioners have endless support for maintaining well-being with a regular daily practice of self-Reiki. We can also use our self-Reiki to hel
Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along