Reiki’s Intelligence: Reiki For Healing

The day following a distance Reiki session, a client shared with me that chronic ear inflammation symptoms disappeared. She neither thought about this ailment as a reason to have a Reiki session, nor shared this with me when I asked what intentions or healing goals she had for the session. She attributes this unexpected relief to the Reiki session and wonders, “how can this be?”

No matter if a client has specific intentions for their Reiki session, or none at all, Reiki’s intelligence heals both the subtle and non-subtle parts of our being.  This includes our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts of ourselves. This includes ancestral and genetic imprints we may carry including on the cellular level. What is needed from the client is their permission to receive Reiki, and also their openness and readiness to let go whatever is no longer serving them. That clarity and commitment is enough for the flow of energy release. In other words, the client is holding intention they are ready to move forward in a new way, to let go of anything moving forward in a new way. The pacing is in their natural timing that matches their readiness. The practitioner holds the client’s intention in their awareness too, as they offer Reiki.

Reiki is based on the idea that all living things have a lifeforce energy within, and this lifeforce is universal. Energy is constantly moving and when it is stagnant or congested in our bodies – subtle and non-subtle – this contributes to illness, not feeling like ourselves so to speak and not operating at our optimum level mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. In a Reiki session, stagnant or congested energy is cleared and flows for healing to occur. wherever it is needed. Reiki can be given in-person, or from a distance.

Reiki Blessings,


*Results for Reiki sessions vary from person to person and no claims are made.

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