In the comfort of your home, or from wherever you are, the same results as in-person sessions can be experienced with distance Reiki.
Typical results can include deep relaxation, freedom from stress and anxiety, physical pain relief, a feeling of lightness, mental clarity or grounding, peacefulness, greater love and hopefulness.
It is encouraged to take out time for your session, to create a space of quietude to feel a greater sense of connection with Reiki and your Reiki session. However, you can be going about your day, depending on how aware and engaged you’d like to be – or can be – during the distance Reiki session. As example, some clients wish to receive Reiki during a medical procedure or surgery, while they are receiving a treatment, or during recovery time. With Distance Reiki, receiving a Reiki session can be boundless in terms of the location for where you may wish to receive. Some clients have enjoyed receiving a session on the beach while on vacation, or during travels away from home.
The moment you schedule your Reiki session, you’ll be greeted with a confirmation and helpful information about your session. To ensure your experience is uniquely tailored and comfortable, you’ll be sent a couple of forms to complete in advance of your session day. For your first session with Michel, she’ll personally reach out to you with a friendly hello and an invitation for an optional phone consultation to answer any questions you might have. It’s her way of ensuring you feel welcomed and supported right from the start.
Following the Reiki portion of your session, a fifteen minute phone or video call is conducted to share impressions which you are welcome to record.
“I have worked with Michel for over a year, beginning with in-person sessions, and then transitioned to distance sessions because I moved out of state. Each session was deeply therapeutic and restorative. While the experience is different because I’m not in the room with Michel, each session feels like a “reset” as old energy is cleared and each time I feel these sessions pave the way for new feelings, thoughts and outcomes. Michel takes time after each session to discuss impressions which helps provide insight. I highly recommend working with Michel, she is incredibly supportive, kind and truly gifted.” A. W.
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