Root Down & Shine with Reiki

Reiki practitioners have endless support for maintaining well-being with a regular daily practice of self-Reiki. We can also use our self-Reiki to help heal specific issues that arise. Recently the word ‘root’ came up in different practitioner conversations inspiring me to feel the power in this word and how it could be of use in our Reiki practice.

Root Down

Practicing self-Reiki with intention to root down your energy is ever so important especially in this day and age of being on technology for hours on end. We could say that our Reiki Journey is one of a regular practice of feeling the flow and being aware of Reiki energy within our body, mind and spirit. A regular practice of rooting down our energy – grounding our energy – helps us maintain energetic balance & neutrality. Signs that we need extra rooting or grounding includes feeling disassociated from our body, our emotions, feeling mentally spaced out and brain fog. We learn in Reiki class the importance of keeping ourselves solidly grounded with Reiki energy when we offer it to others, and the same is true for ourselves as we go about living our life.

Here is a self-Reiki process to explore helping to root down your energy flow:

  • You can place your Reiki hands on your root chakra, your hips or thighs. You can do this during a work meeting, or while seated at a restaurant, or while having bare feet on the earth as you lean up against a tree.
  • Focus your attention on the physical sensations you feel beneath your feet and inside your shoes. Envision your energy flow like roots growing down the bottoms of your feet into the earth’s soil. Imagine connecting with the light of the earth’s energy. Once you make this connection, bring your awareness to 12 inches below your feet. Linger your attention here for several seconds.
  • Invite your imagination to bring lifeforce energy up through the earth to the bottoms of your feet and commune with the lifeforce within you, filling you, radiating around you. All the while keep your attention flowing through your lower three chakras, radiating out and flowing down your hips, legs and feet.
  • Explore how this feels, explore the flow of Reiki energy.
  • Take some deep breaths as you need to any areas of sensation, and breathing Reiki through your entire being. For Reiki Level 2 and Master level practitioners, utilize your Reiki power symbol and master symbols. See in your mind’s eye this radiance of Light glowing and flowing.
  • Remember to keep hydrated and keep up your water intake throughout the day.


Get to the Root

Another way to think about self-Reiki practice, is that it can us to get to the root of – or in other words, the core or underlying cause – for a healing issue. This might also be why an aspect that feels mentally or emotionally unclear, uncertain, stuck, “wrong” or confusing.

Here is a self-Reiki process to explore helping to get to the root of a healing issue:

  • Conduct a practice of daily self-Reiki 30-60 minutes a day.
  • As you do so, invite the intention to move the energy and release what is needed.
  • If you desire to have insights consciously brought to your awareness to mentally process the release you are seeking to achieve, invite this clear intention for each self-Reiki session. Trust this clarity will come to you. Your intention, readiness and your openness to move forward in life in new ways to make room for healing to take place.
  • Journal what you notice, write down your intention if this helps. Document any trendings you may notice with respect to sensation, visuals, sounds, smells or how you are feeling generally through the day. When we write things down, we may ‘see’ it differently over time. Journaling can also bring awareness to our own wisdom and insights.
  • Have water close by and keep your hydration
  • Be sure to completely root down your energy at the end of your session, and build in some extra time for rest if you need it for heavier release sessions


Working with Other Practitioners

Self-Reiki is a self-guided and self-directed healing process. You are as much the observer and practitioner, as you are the one offering Reiki for yourself and feeling the Reiki flow. It can feel very empowering, and for some, wearing these different hats or roles may be a little bit like patting your head and rubbing your belly too. Consider that you don’t need to over think it or over feel it, just allowing the experience and being is enough. Self-Reiki might even feel somewhat passive when it comes for healing, as it can feel calming and very relaxing. This might seem strange if your lived experience is that “hard work” or “pain” is required in order to heal. Reiki healing can feel subtle, and it isn’t any less effective if this is what you notice is occurring in your practice. Reiki healing may at times feel dramatic meaning you might feel pain, discomfort or tingling or other sensations as energy is moving through you in all ways you might imagine. Reiki healing experiences are unique to each session and individual. Your regular Reiki practice contributes to increased self-awareness. Keep a pulse on your big picture goal(s) for healing and the quality of your life so that you can recognize your progress.

Of course, there may be occasions where you may wish to work with someone for a healing issue. Depending on your situation, seek the proper medical and health care you need. For any number of reasons, you may desire or need a more mentally engaging process with someone who guides aspects of your healing journey. Perhaps you prefer and feel it is important to have active participation with a witness and a confidant. Be clear about and prioritize what works for your body, mind and spirit and whom you choose to work with. Do your research, take time to evaluate your options to determine if you wish to work with a holistic provider and/or a traditional provider.

As part of your Reiki Journey, one consideration is attending a Reiki Share. While this is a group setting for practice and community connection, you could inquire if there are any practitioners in the group to see if they’d like to do a Reiki trade. A trade is where each practitioner offers Reiki to each other at no charge. It is a wonderful way to gain one on one experience and practice.

Keep a discerning ear and eye for anything you read or hear about Reiki providing certain – or limiting – results. This is simply that individual’s experience or understanding which is likely true for their lived experience. Even if this individual identifies as a professional or a holistic healer, it is that individual’s experience and lens. Reiki research continues to grow as are anecdotal stories from clients everywhere about the efficacy of Reiki healing. It is ever so important that you evaluate what is right and works well for you.

Root & Shine with Reiki

Reiki in the most simplest terms helps your body, mind and spirit to keep lifeforce energy flowing and moving. In this way, raising your energy system to the highest vibrations of Love and Light. Root Down & Shine with Reiki!

Are you a Reiki practitioner and interested in learning more about practitioner Shares, or someone exploring Reiki classes? Request a call with me and let’s meet in a phone or video call to share more information together.

Reiki Blessings,


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