15 May Springtime & Reiki
Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along a sidewalk and freshly watered grass to name a few. Springtime is also often a time of feeling ready to clean and refresh things, to be out and about with more people outdoors. After completing Reiki training, Reiki practitioners can practice Reiki quietly with self-Reiki and offering to others. What is really exciting is to notice how one’s quality of life is shifting as a result of daily Reiki, and offering Reiki when needed. What might not be commonly known about Reiki is that in addition to Reiki sessions, practitioners can explore how Reiki can be actively engaged during various daily activities. If you aren’t a Reiki practitioner, I offer some ideas for this too.
Reiki Practitioner Ideas for Spring Activities
- As you watch your child’s outdoor activities, or watching some other outdoor sport, activate your Reiki and ground your Reiki by placing bare feet on the grass (if you are able) and place your Reiki hands on your thighs. Intend to anchor Reiki into the soil and receive nature’s energy as you release what no longer serves you into the soil for composting. Imagine an infinity symbol of energy going down into the earth for release, and coming up into your body and auric layers for rejuvenation. Notice how Reiki energy and nature energy blends. After you feel satisfied with this connection, radiate Reiki all around you. Radiate Reiki and feel the cocoon of energy. If you are sensitive to crowded places, feel the protection and use the power symbol.
- As you walk your dog, activate Reiki and radiate Reiki as you go. Offer Reiki to your pup as you both walk along. Explore how you can receive and remain connected with Reiki as you walk along. Imagine Reiki footprints left behind you and use the power symbol as you go. One of my favorite things to do with Bijou is to lay with her in front of her favorite window open and we sit together and share Reiki while we sniff the spring scents.
- As you garden, or repot your plants or flowers, activate Reiki. Offer Reiki to the plantings. with the water you provide through the hose or other vessel you are using. Chant the symbols to yourself as you work. Explore other ways you learned in class for sending Reiki to your plantings as you continue to care for them.
- As you get your car cleaned through a car wash, beam Reiki, place your Reiki hands on the wheel and anywhere else and offer Reiki. Use symbols to cleanse and clear, protect and radiate. If you are hand washing your car or bike or other mode of transport, activate Reiki and apply the ideas in #2.
- Smudge your dwellings (home, office, vehicle) and beam Reiki as you do, use symbols in conjunction with smudging. Open the windows to allow fresh air to flow through. Intend any stagnant energy to move out the open windows. Keep your shades or blinds open to allow the radiance of sunlight to shine through.
- As you clean out a drawer, Reiki the items. Anything you donate, Reiki that for the new owners to enjoy.
‘Spring Cleaning’ You with Reiki Sessions
We often associate spring cleaning with our dwellings, vehicles, offices, etc. Is there an area of your life that you feel is needing some decluttering or lightening up? What are you ready to release? What are you ready to shift or let go of? Reiki sessions are an opportunity to move energy and transmute it. To create space for new habits, new perspective or to move through a difficult transition. Working with a Reiki practitioner can support your healing journey. I describe my role in the session as a companion and witness offering a supportive space and holding my client’s hand energetically so to speak. Show up to your Reiki session with a readiness to let go and be open. Be curious about the possibilities of what can be recognizably experienced as well as subtly experienced. Each session is personal and unique. Sometimes and especially in a first-time session, nothing is felt but a feeling of general peace and deep relaxation. I think this is why Reiki sessions are offered in some spas or massage clinics because the feeling of relaxation is very common. However, the impact of Reiki sessions can go much further than this with endless possibilities for self-discovery and well-being.
I hope these ideas spur more ideas for bringing Reiki into experiences into your Spring season. If this blog has inspired questions about Reiki or learning Reiki, or how Reiki can help you, I hope you will reach out to learn more.