Montana Reiki Classes Tag

Begin your journey to develop a deeper connection with Reiki for relaxation and greater well-being. You’ll learn the foundations of Reiki which includes: how Reiki works, Reiki history, the energy system, Reiki techniques for clearing and protection, practice hand placement for self and others, and...

Amplify on a deeper level your Reiki healing practice with the applied use of three Usui Reiki symbols. Learn Reiki techniques and applications for these symbols which includes enabling healing for past, present or future trauma; protection, clearing and cleansing environments and the energy system;...

Begin your journey to develop a deeper connection with Reiki for relaxation and greater well-being. You’ll learn the foundations of Reiki which includes: how Reiki works, Reiki history, the energy system, Reiki techniques for clearing and protection, practice hand placement for self and others, and...