If the idea of a Reiki session has been coming up for you, you find yourself curious to learn more, if what you’ve read or heard about Reiki resonates with you, I encourage you to consider giving it a try.
Clients come for Reiki sessions for all kinds of reasons and here are just a few examples…
Relief from a hectic, stressful job or lifestyle which may be causing mind racing, muscular tension, tinnitus or other stress-induced symptoms
Feeling trapped or blocked from achieving desired goals
Feeling relief from physical chronic ache or pain
Boosting results from “conventional” medical or therapeutic support you are receiving
Relief from anxiety or feeling easily triggered or overreactive
Desire to feel greater self-love or self-esteem
Navigating or healing from relationship trauma
Empowerment during a time of career or personal transition, feeling readiness for change
Feeling connection to spirit or spirituality
Desiring mental clarity
Coping with grief, sudden loss or navigating the unknown
Whatever your intention(s), we’ll talk about them at your initial phone conversation and at the start of your session.
It is important to note that Reiki is is never a replacement for treatment from any medical professional or medical attention.
One last note, you can Google Reiki and read page upon page of information on the internet, listen to a friend’s experience, however you won’t know the experience until you try it for yourself. The decision to experience Reiki is a very personal one, as is the experience itself. Contact Michel for a consultation to learn more. For all first-time clients, she will reach out to you for a phone consultation upon seeing your initially scheduled session.
Particularly in the moments and hours following your Reiki session, you’ll be most conscious of lifeforce energy flowing through you. You have just in
Reiki practitioners have endless support for maintaining well-being with a regular daily practice of self-Reiki. We can also use our self-Reiki to hel
Springtime can be a season of many pleasures for the senses. Flowering buds, flower pots brimming, scents of the blooms, sluggish worms creeping along