Tips for Having Your Best Reiki Session Experience

How can you make the most of your Reiki session and maximize your results? Whether you are receiving Reiki in-person or remotely, I have some tips to share to get the most out of your healing experience, before, during and after your session. Prior to becoming a Reiki Master Teacher, I had received Reiki from many different practitioners for over 20 years. Experiencing Reiki is very personal, and just like any other service you pay for and receive, it is important you invest in yourself to take time to discover a right fit connection with a Reiki practitioner you are considering. Your engagement and intention will help you discover who feels best, and benefit your Reiki healing long after your session as well.

Finding a Right Fit Reiki Practitioner

No matter if you consider yourself an experienced Reiki person or not, anytime you are considering Reiki with a new practitioner, I encourage you to take time to learn more about the Reiki practitioner you are thinking about having a session with. Even if it is a referral from someone you trust, still do your own due diligence by checking out the practitioner’s website to learn about their approach to Reiki and their journey as a practitioner. Does their ‘about’ page include information about their training, approach or style of Reiki? Many practitioners offer some preliminary forms for you to fill out in advance of the session and this often is provided on the website too. They may also offer a code of ethics, Do you understand how their sessions will flow and what they incorporate or not during the session? Do they speak during the session, and is it important that you speak with your practitioner during the session or do you prefer quiet? How does the practitioner ensure your feeling of comfort and safety? This is especially important if this is your first time experiencing Reiki, that you feel safe, supported and able to drink in every bit of the session experience. If this information is not available on a website, reach out to the practitioner by phone.

In my personal experience of receiving Reiki from practitioners for over 20 years before becoming a Reiki Master Teacher myself, it is not the length of time a practitioner has practiced Reiki necessarily nor if they are a “high profile” practitioner (i.e. one that has a big social media presence or has written books or offers online courses) that will mean you will have a positive Reiki experience. I highly encourage you to speak with the Reiki practitioner before you walk into your session with them. Most practitioners would welcome a phone or video call consultation in advance to answer any questions you may have.

As you speak with the practitioner, tune into how you are feeling when you hear their voice. Do you feel supported and welcomed? Is the practitioner demonstrating how they provide a safe and supportive Reiki experience? Or do you feel disempowered or shut down with the questions you are asking? I am not suggesting that there are Reiki practitioners out there setting out to disempower you or anyone, however everyone’s communication style and feeling of connection is unique and personal. As you are communicating together, do you feel comfortable and understood in what you are sharing and asking? Or, do you feel there is a disconnect in understanding each other? If you feel uncertain, if you find yourself questioning the integrity of the practitioner or feel confused about Reiki or how the practitioner offers Reiki sessions, I suggest you keep looking. Trust that you will know when you feel the right fit, follow your gut feeling and don’t settle for anything less than this.

During the phone or video call, ask your practitioner about the session flow or what to expect. Most practitioners offer you can choose between an In-Person Reiki Session or Remote Reiki Session. If it’s a Remote Reiki session, how will you be communicating with each other before, during and after the session? If it’s an in-person session, will you be shown what will be used in the session? Does the practitioner share where can you expect their hands to be during an In-Person Reiki session in terms of placement on the body? Are their hands above or on your body and what does that pressure feel like?

For sure, questions may come up during the session and do you feel welcomed to ask questions during the session if they do? To what extent does the Reiki practitioner invite conversation before, during and after your session in terms of exploring your experience? Assess for yourself to the extent this dialoging is important for you. Some practitioners are more communicative than others, and if you feel that processing your session is something that is important, raise this in your consultation with your practitioner to get a sense of their approach. Some may encourage a follow-up conversation, email or text some period of time after your session. Some may not follow-up at all. Ask yourself what would feel most supportive for your experience and ask the practitioner what they provide for their new and existing clients.

You may be feeling anxious, nervous, excited and anticipating what the session will be like when you are there. This is all perfectly normal especially if it is your first Reiki session. Take time to feel it all and provide yourself – and ask for – what you need to ease into and feel supported at the session. Be prepared to share this at your session with your practitioner. You can maximize your Reiki experience, as well as save yourself some time and money by assessing all these things in advance.

After You Feel You Have Found a Right Fit Practitioner, Here Are Some Next Steps

Schedule your appointment at a time when you won’t feel rushed upon arrival or leaving. Some sessions can go over the scheduled session time. I suggest adding a minimum of 30 minutes buffer time just in case for this reason. 

Another reason for being thoughtful about when you schedule Reiki is that after your Reiki session, you may wish to have the option to have some downtime, treat yourself to a nice meal, a walk in the park, or have some quietude for reflection rather than leaping into an exercise class, running errands or attending an important business meeting. Everyone is different. Just think about how you’d like the rest of your day or evening to look after Reiki and prioritize your time accordingly. If you don’t prioritize this time for you, no one else will and you are worth it to feel good!

Preparing for Your Reiki Session

Drink plenty of water, show up hydrated and bring a water bottle. This will help with body fluid flow for Reiki and releasing toxins. Finish eating any heavy meals a few hours before your session. Do not consume alcohol or recreational drugs the day of your session. Use the restroom before your session as doing so in the middle of the session may feel disruptive or inconvenient to your experience. Avoid consuming caffeine 3 hours before your session, longer if possible. Caffeine gets the heart pumping faster, increases our adrenaline and thoughts can get sped up. None of these things are necessary or useful for a Reiki session and will distract you from experiencing even deeper relaxation.

Wear comfortable clothing. Avoid tight jeans or undergarments, belts, anything that could feel constricting or may be distracting while you are laying down or sitting for an hour or so. 

Think about how you’d like the session to support you. You may wish to come for Reiki to simply have the experience of it, to see what it’s like. Or, you may come for a specific reason such as “I am feeling blocked about moving forward in my career and what to do next” or “I want support while I’m receiving medical care so that my body can heal the way I want it to…I want the toxins from the drugs release from my system and I need help feeling safe and calm”. The possibilities for why you may wish to receive Reiki are endless. Whatever your intentions or reasons for wanting a session, you will receive what you need, as this is the right time and right place in your life for Reiki. 

Be planful. For a remote session, set up your space for where you will be laying or sitting comfortably. If you will be listening to music, have the music queued up and your bluetooth/headset ready to go before your session begins. Have anything with you that supports you in creating a sacred space for your healing time. Some ideas include lighting a candle, holding crystals or having them lay around you or near you while you are in the bath, and burning incense. Turn your phone to ‘do not disturb’ and let anyone in your home know you’ll be unavailable for the duration of your session and perhaps a little longer after that if you wish. Use the restroom in advance of the session. Have a glass of water closeby if you are thirsty.

For an in-person session, show up to your appointment five minutes early so that you don’t feel rushed. Plan ahead for potential traffic or parking. Use the restroom in advance of the session.

Be intentional about your session: show up to your session being open to receiving Reiki and ready to allow Reiki to provide you what you need. You are supported to let go of whatever doesn’t support you in achieving your goals, to feel your most expansive self. Empowered, peacefully energized and whole.

I often get the question, “What do I do during the Reiki session?”. I think what that question is really asking is ‘what job do I give my mind/brain to do while I’m in a session?’ or ‘where should I hold my mental attention’? Take some deep breaths at the start of your session. Your practitioner may guide you in some simple deep breathing to begin your session too. If you think you need something to focus on during a session, repeat a mantra that is meaningful for you. Maybe it is “I am safe” or “I am peaceful” or “I am enough”, as some examples. Repeat it over and over again. Some clients may wish to repeat a prayer or affirmation. If your mind is active during the session, this is completely normal especially for a first session. The mind is trying to figure out how to show up and it may need your loving guidance without judgment, for it to repeat the mantra, affirmation or prayer. Additionally, as the session goes on, invite your attention to notice what thoughts or images are coming through, or what sensations are being felt in the body. Or, simply listen to and feel yourself breathing. Whatever comes through is just fine. You can acknowledge it and let it go, coming back to your mantra or listening to your breath.

I also suggest in preparation for your session, to refrain from reading your newsfeed a few hours before and after your Reiki session. If you can make it 24 hours, even better.

Tips for After Your Reiki Session

For a real treat (or challenge?) explore the possibility of not checking text messages or emails for a few hours after your session. Instead, really leverage your post-Reiki session time for inward reflection and nurturing for yourself. Plan ahead and determine what this might look like. Is it a few hours of turning your phone and devices completely off and walking in nature? Is it to go get a pedicure? To take some extra cuddle time with your dog or cat? To take a nap? To sit outside and listen to the birds?

Another suggestion for after your Reiki session is to give yourself a salt bath at some point within 24 hours of your session. This will continue the Reiki connection you felt in the session, and the detoxification occuring, really milking it. Create this special time for your salt bath, use essential oils and incense if you like them. Have candles lit, crystals present if you have them, music playing or just silence. Incorporate whatever creates the environment for your self-nurturing and care. Keep a large glass of water nearby to keep hydrating as you soak. I don’t recommend having a glass of wine or anything carbonated or sugary. Keep it to water and/or herbal tea. If you need to boost your blood sugar, use honey as a sweetener, or have some fruit that is right for your body. If you can soak in the salt bath for up to 45 minutes or longer, this is most effective. Consider letting your loved ones or roommates know this is your “time out” for peace. Remember to turn your phone to ‘do not disturb’. If you are checking your emails or text messages while taking a bath, you aren’t getting the benefit of allowing your nervous system to continue to decompress and your attention remain on your inner peace.

Alternative to a bath or in addition, the next time you take a shower, as the water is cascading around your body, imagine that everything that isn’t serving you for your well-being and your goals, is leaving your body, mind and spirit and going down into the drain. Use whatever words come to you, intending that anything around or within your being that is less than love and light is removing itself forevermore and going down into the drain. When you step out of the shower and you are drying off, intend with your words that the energy that drained away is now being replaced with the highest vibration of pure love and light which is within you and all around you now, radiating and shining whether you consciously think about it or not throughout your day. Intend this is a forcefield lovingly protecting you as you go about your day. Nothing less than love and light will enter your space.

Some more things you can do to maximize results from your session is refraining from alcohol at least 24 hours after you receive Reiki, a few days is even better. Also, consume whole foods – more vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, etc – rather than processed foods. In my view, lower vibrational consumption choices can keep you a few steps back, or even backslide in the progress you have made from your session. For sure, the session is still effective and helpful, however it can be a little bit like starting over again and the goal is for you to achieve what you desire.

Tune In to How You Are Feeling & What You Notice in the Days to Come

There is a continuum you may notice following your Reiki session in terms of what you may notice in the next day or so: on one end of the spectrum you can feel energized, ideas are flowing, you are seeing things in a new way and on the other end you can feel tired, needing more rest and quiet. This is completely normal as your body, mind and spirit are integrating in new ways as you have let go of what doesn’t serve you. As you are reasonably able, make choices that support how you feel and what you need – rather than pushing through. Come up with ways to switch up your schedule to support what you need.

Just as every client’s Reiki experience is a very visceral experience, every client’s awareness and attention for how the Reiki session impacts their life is unique. I encourage journaling, or jotting brief notes as ideas or thoughts come through. Putting a date to each journal entry or note provides some benchmarking and trending you could document. Here are some questions to ask yourself:  what are you noticing in the way your body is feeling? Are emotions showing up the same or differently? If you look at the big picture of your life, what do you notice? Think about your intention for your session, what is showing up for you in relation to this? This process invites our inner wisdom and divine downloads of information. We all have access to this wisdom if we take a little time and attention inwards., rather than looking outward for information and validation. I encourage you to give some air time to your inner voice, to build trust and confidence from this infinitely brilliant place within.

In addition to the written word, verbalize with a trusted person or your Reiki practitioner as you reflect, gain insights and notice how your body, mind and spirit are impacted by Reiki. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing, then keep writing in your journal. 

Get out in nature. Sit on the earth. Put your bare feet on the grass or soil. Hug a tree or lean up against a tree for five minutes, close your eyes and breathe. Feel the wind on your skin and the sun on your face. Watch the birds or squirrels. Go for a hike in the woods. Go for a walk around the park. The energy of nature is grounding and supportive for healing. Get your hands into some soil with gardening, tinkering with outdoor plantings or indoor houseplants. If you do not have any, consider purchasing a plant or two for your home and enjoy grounding, healing support in your home.

With these tips, it is my sincere hope that you feel more empowered about how you discover your right fit practitioner, and how you can partner with Reiki and your practitioner for the greatest experience and results!

Reiki Blessings,


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